Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2010...What's in it for you?

(The view from my bedroom window)
Well kids, it's a New Year and hopefully a better year than "The Year that shall not be mentioned". Last year was a crap year for just about everyone, including us. But, like just about everyone else, we muddled through.

We all lost so many of those dear to us, children, parents...hell I even lost my beloved little girl, Maggie-Jo.

This year seems so much brighter I am afraid to say it out loud for fear that I will jinx the rainbow. We have a new home, lots of little ones just here or on their way, opportunities opening up, family and friends re-entering our once very closed circle, and light where only darkness was before. Fate turned up the heat, we cooled our heels and it seems that perseverance paid off.

The view from my bed every morning now reminds me how lucky and in love I am and in the words of the Prophet known as 'Ice Cube'..."today was a good day."

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